Project aims and Objectives
Learn to use photobooth and the SLR cameras.

Understand how to use layers work in photoshop

Digital collage
How can we stitch an image back together?

How can we link your images to your identity?

Mind map - Lets do one together then its your turn

Be Creative and
Use your imagination

1. How do I create an Ibook?
2. Where do I save my work?
3. Have I taken 15 photos in
Photo Booth?
4. Have I dragged them to my
5. Have I saved my work in my
1. Create a Chapter in your digital sketchbook about Identity, use images from the internet and a definition of what Identity means.
2. Create a section and start to create your mind map.
Where do we save our work?
Create a digital sketchbook

Lets start taking photos!!!
David Hockney's Photojoiners
![david hockney desk[1].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/df41ae_6d5b421ac10f448fb37e48e07ea0b0cf~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_258,h_160,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/david%20hockney%20desk%5B1%5D.jpg)
Go onto Safari and research the artist David Hockney and his photojoiners.
What are they?
How are they made?
How do they effect the image's appearance?

now it's your turn
Open Photoshop

Grade 7-8 - You will use at least 6 different portraits. (take new ones if you need to)
Every layer will use a different filter.
You will use colour & back & white.
You will have experimented with scale so each layer is a different size.
You will overlap and duplicate layers to make a complicated photojoiner
that fills the page.
Grade 5-6 - You will use at least 3 different portraits
You will have experimented with layers and filters.
Your layers will overlap.
You will have used scale.
Now your going to use the digital SLR
to take a series of photographs from different angles to create a full body photo joiner

Make sure you get your whole body in the frame
Get close up too
When you have your photographs start to stitch together your full body portrait using the support below

Once you have lots of layers that you have copied and pasted from your background layer, you can experiment with your layers and blends and see what happens.
The best fragmented portraits will have a complicated composition with lots of layers.
The layers will vary in scale.
They will experiment with filters.
They will also have experimented with transparency by using the layers and blends.

Those who are not taking photos ensure the checklist is complete.

Mindmap tips
The best fragmented landscapes will have a complicated composition with lots of layers.
The layers will vary in scale.
They will experiment with filters.
They will also have experimented with transparency by using the layers and blends.
They will have experimented with hue and saturation.
The best fragmented landscapes will have a complicated composition with lots of layers.
The layers will vary in scale.
They will experiment with filters.
They will also have experimented with transparency by using the layers and blends.
They will have experimented with hue and saturation.
Your final landscape should work as a whole image.
Present everything in your sketchbooks beautifully, with your evaluation.
I will be marking your books after this lesson.
Evaluate your landscape. Use the questions below to help you.
How did you make your landscape?
What techniques did you use?
What tools in photoshop did you use?
What problems did you come across?
How did you solve them?
Have you gained confidence in your camera and photoshop skills?
How does your work link to the artist you researched David Hockney?
How successful do you think your piece has been?
Describe why you think it has been successful?
If you were going to do it again what would you do differently?
How could you improve your work.

DIRT - Respond to my marking and feedback in your sketchbooks

Project 2 - Micro Worlds
Lesson 1

Create a research page in your digital sketchbook. Make sure you include images and a definition of what Macro photography is.

Use the word bank to help you annotate your photo shoot in your sketchbook.
Peer Assessment:
Show your best image to the person sitting next to you.
What grade would they give it and why?

Half Term

Lesson 2
LO: To explore how narrative can be used in an image using macro techniques, by researching artists and creating your own micro world.

Find information Here

How do they use macro techniques?
Choose one image to analyse in detail.
Whats the story?
Annotate using key words
Choose one of these artists to research & create a page in your sketchbook

Extended Learning for next lesson.

To extend the task and make it more interesting, print
off a background that links to the story you want to tell

Lesson 3
Success Criteria:
Grade 6/7 - Your images will be humorous and you will have a strong narrative. Your images will be refined and include a definite focal point and blurry background. You will have experimented with viewpoints and composition. They will show excellent imagination.
Grade 4/5 - Your images will tell a story and include a focal point and blurry background. They will show imagination and and a good use of props and composition.

LO: To reflect on your Micro worlds photoshoot by peer assessing, presenting and annotating your work.

Lesson 4

Task 1

How do they use macro techniques?
Choose one image to analyse in detail.
Whats the story?
Annotate using key words
Choose one of these artists to research & create a page in your sketchbook

Task 2

Task 3

Place your favorite image in the center of the page and work your way around answering the questions.
Use the sentence starters as well at the bottom of the sheet to help you.
Download image analysis sheet
Task 4

Add other images that relate to your identity and help to tell the story.
You can also illustrate on top to create characters in your story.

Create 3 images inspired by fiddle Oak that tell 3 different stories or different parts of the same story
Lesson 5