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Exam dates
11Y - Thursday and Friday 23rd and 24th March
11W - Monday and Tuesday 27th and 28th March
STAGE 1 of your preparations
9th - 23rd January
To complete stage 1 of your internally set task preparations by researching, analysing and responding to various Artists that link to your starting point.
Research to inform ideas (25 marks)
Develop ideas though investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding
mind map_edited
edit 1 mollie 2
Student examples of Artists Research and Photoshoot responses.
Mind Map your starting point:
Get a dictionary definition
Go to the online thesaurus to find alternative words
Develop your own ideas and understanding of your chosen starting point
Use the template below
Create an inspiration page of images that show how you could develop your ideas about your starting point
Think carefully about your starting point and make it creative and fully explore all of your ideas.
RESEARCH: Find and research your first 4 artists.​
Minimum of 4-8 beautifully presented pages in your sketchbooks with detailed description and analysis of their work.
Why have they produced their work and what is the narrative/message?
What is your opinion about the work and how will you use these ideas in your own work?
RESPOND: Execute your first photoshoot in response to your chosen artists
Each photo shoot should be 30 - 60 images (not 1 or 2 or 3!)
Present all photos from your shoots then 4-6 of your best images larger.
Now start to EXPERIMENT (edit your images) using your artists techniques
Present your work in your sketchbooks as you do it. This will help you to assess your work as you go and give you more direction moving forward with your ideas
Don't know where to start?
Try these pinterest boards and workshops to kick start your ideas
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