Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols - these can be found in the spoken or written word, in the nuances of music or the art of cinematography, within the shapes and curves of sculpture or by the sinewy grace of dance or more particularly in our case the structure of a picture, whether as a painting or a photograph and how these are read. The Reading of the image is the process of discovering the wealth meanings within the frame that occurs when the viewer reacts to the signs and symbols which constitute the picture. The process inevitably involves some shared understanding of what the picture represents. In this way viewers with different social experiences or different cultures may find different meanings in the same image. This is not necessarily an indication of the success or failure of the picture in question. It's only the difference between translation and interpretation.
Semiotics in Photography
Reading the image
The Brief
Produce a series of images, could be portraits, landscapes, or any other genre of photography you are interested in, that explore the concept of cultural signs and symbols.
You must deliberatley CONSTRUCT your images to REPRESENT a certain point of view or EXPRESS a particular message.
You must be able to explain how and why you have created these images.
The viewer must also be able to READ your image and understand the underlying MESSAGE.
You must plan and execute at least 3 photoshoots.
Include visual and written research in your sketchbooks that support your ideas.
Explain how and why you have created your images and how they should be READ.
You must also consider:
The Meaning/Message
Deadline - Thursday 23rd June

Study the images below and discuss in groups how these images could be read.