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Graphic Design

My Examples on Wix logo maker and Namelix

Colour schemes, shapes, font, name and tagline

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Screenshot your logos and present in your sketchbooks.
Present your chosen logo and design larger and explain why it is your favourite and how you made it.

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  You are going to create your own brand linked to climate change and sustainability, come up with a name and logo, create t-shirt designs, make the t-shirts, and then shoot the T-shirts to create market images for your brand.


Task 1. Create a 3 Research pages - 

1. Research the logos of different brands.

2.   Find 3 specific brands that champion sustainability and find out why their products are sustainable. Answer the question: What is sustainability?

3. Create a page on your favourite sustainable brand

Task 2: Create your own logo:

Create a mind map that explores a name for your brand and tagline. Generate 20 name ideas in your digital sketchbook. Your name could be inspired by a play on your own name, family surname or nickname, it should link to sustainability in some way.

Task 3: Place your NAME -KEY WORD (s) into a logo generator to come up with different brand names and designs. ​Here are two good websites to get you started:​ - to create your business name - to create your logo  

You may have to create accounts for these generators. My examples are below.

Expand on your name by identifying your business concept with more in-depth KEY words associated  with your "NAME'. Is your concept sports related? Is it for people who enjoy different music genres? Is it for surfers and skaters? or does your brand represent something close to your heart? Remember to keep in mind the link to climate change and sustainability .

Task 4: LO:

To Create designs using text, colour and your logos.


1. Click on the link.. Word Cloud.......or Word Art 

you will get different results from each generator.


2. Brain storm as many different words that describe your brand and climate change and sustainability. You could also use song lyrics or poetry or they could link to a hobby or interest of yours. Then use Word Cloud or Word Art to generate your word clouds.

3. Add your text to the T-shirt template in Photoshop along with your logo designs, shapes and colours, see my example for ideas.


4. Present your illustrated work in your sketchbook and reflect.

Example t-shirt design

Download Template and put into photoshop to create your designs on

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Example copy.jpg
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Task 5. Identify your own graphic design style:
Create your own Pinterest board using ideas from mine below. Pin at least 30 different ideas that you like and want to incorporate into your own designs. 
Create 2 inspiration pages in your sketchbooks with all your favourite graphic design images you have pinned.

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FIRST: Complete a series of workshops below 

1. Complete a minimum of 6 workshops

2. Present these with the artist research that links to the workshop

3. Be confident and experimental! You will use these workshop photographs in your final poster design

Pin ideas from my Pinterest board

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Workshop 1. Explore slow/long shutter speed

Research artist Richard Alston

Experiment in photoshop with one of your own images and using the Blur tool in the 'Filter' tab. Follow the instructions below to help you

1. Select a section of your image to blur using one of your selection tools

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3. Go to 'Filter' and 'Blur'. Choose a type of blur, I've chosen motion blur.

2. Click on 'refine edge' and feather the edge as below

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4. Blur your image as much as you like, by using the slider at the bottom. 

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Create a series of your own blurred images using different images, selection tools and blur options, present them in your sketchbook alongside your research.

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Workshop 2. Light trails

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Activity 1 - Research 2 artists from my Light Graffiti pinterest board. Present these in your sketchbook

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Activity 2 -Using the torch on your phone or fairy lights, use long shutter speed to create your own light trails. Think about a story or character you could create.

Pin ideas from my Pinterest board

Workshop 3.

Workshop 4

Workshop 5

Workshop 7

Workshop 8

Hints on how to create these techniques in Photoshop

1.  Research the work of Fons Hickmann here
2.  Create a page in your sketchbook that contains information about him, his work and these images.
3.  Describe what he has done to each one and then discuss the impact on the meaning of the image. Why has he put the red symbols over the mouth?
4. Using your own portrait, experiment with photoshop techniques. Use 4 different techniques on the same image to explore the different effects they have. Present these in your sketchbook.
5.  Create a series of your own posters either for silent films or for something else.
6. Use the Blurring technique you learned last lesson and develop your own techniques too, have a look at the hints to see if you can follow them. 


Image - Adjustments - Black and White 

Drag 2 images together in photoshop and use your blends to double expose

Filter - Blur

Image - Adjustments - Invert

Workshop 9

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Now lets start designing

You must create poster designs that include:

  1. Your own photographs using your 3 photoshoots

  2. Shapes/textures

  3. Creative Text using the text tool in Photoshop or the website 'youworkforthem'

  4. Colour

  5. Information about your event.

LO: To create a series of poster designs using your own photographs, shapes, pattern, colour and creative text. Use the examples below to help you.

I've used squares but you can use any shape or combination of shapes


  1. Now start to create your own posters by combining 2 techniques together and using different shapes, patterns and colours. 

  2. Start to think about how your design could be translated onto a t-shirt or bag.

  3. Use the website below to find more interesting, creative fonts for your posters.

  4. Use the support sheet to help you.

When you've completed 3 posters you can start to apply them to your merchandise

Choose one of the templates

and drag into photoshop.

Start to experiment with 

placing your images and 

designs onto them to create 

your merchandise for your


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