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You are going to create a Zine based on a topic that you think is important. You will need to take 5 different photoshoots based on 5 different artists or techniques. You will experiment with your images and choose 8 to be presented in your Zine. Your Zine should link closely to your chosen topic.

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Step 1 - Choose a topic you think is important, to base your zine on......

Society and 

Music, Lyrics and meaning

Symbolism in lyrics
Album Artwork
Lyrics and emotions
Different genres

Mental Health

Teenage/Adult mental health
Positives and Negatives
Eating Disorders
National Statistics



Positive influences
Confidence building
Promotion and inclusion
Being part of a team

Amnesty International
UN Women
Climate crisis
Gender equality
Refugee Crisis



LGBTQI+ rights and equality

Protected Characteristics
Sexism, misogyny and consent.
Representation and Equality in the media
Stereotypes - Pink or Blue. Pretty or Courageous, why can't we be both?
Pride - a celebration.
Women's equality - Women's March

Body Image

Religion and culture

Cosmetic surgery
Media pressure
Social media


Belief systems
Social structures
Faith and Hope
Places of worship
Politics and religion
Family and religion


The black curriculum - decolonising the curriculum.
Structural Racism
Racism in sport and media
Racial equality
Anti Racism

Climate Crisis


Single use plastics
Fossil fuels
Green House Gasses
Diesel cars

Beaches and coastline

Earth and ocean

Rising sea levels
Changes in weather pattern
Rising Temperatures

Climate Change

Sustainable technologies

Electric cars
Waste Management/Recycling
Renewable energy

Activist groups

Eco Architecture

Indigenous communities



Extinction Rebellion
The Final Straw
Beach Guardian
Surfers Against Sewerage

Reduce reuse recycle
Eco Village
Eden Project
Wind, waterand solar power


Step 2 - start to mindmap your ideas and create some research pages.

1. Through your own research, choose a topic that you think is important, to base your zine on.
2. Create a Mind Map and at least 2 more pages of research on your chosen topic.
You must include, images as well as detailed information and most importantly.................
YOUR OWN OPINION - Tell me why you have chosen this topic.
3. Click on the links to the individual Pinterest boards below to get you started and begin to gather imagery you like and that you think links to your ideas.
4. Pin at least 30 pins to your own Pinterest board called Zine ideas.


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Step 3 - Research Zines

Use the pinterest board and your own research to create a page in your sketchbook about zines, find information and visual examples that inspire you. 

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Step 4 - Complete 4 workshops developing your ideas

Create research pages in your sketchbook and respond by taking photographs and presenting these alongside.

Choose a workshop each lesson to have a go at.
Each workshop should be supported by artist research.

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Antonio Mora.jpg
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Matthieu Bourel.jpg
Laura Williams.jpg
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federico.bebber .jpg
gel photography.jpg

Step 5 - Experiment with your images

Experiment with the different techniques you have researched.
Use black and white and colour, text, illustration, double exposure, depending on the ideas you are developing

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Step 6 - choose 8 edited images to present in your Zine

How to create a Zine

You will need 8 different EDITED images to include in your Zine.
Your images must be linked to your initial ideas. 

Step 7 - Download the template to create your zine

Click on the link below to find a photoshop template HERE
Using images you have already edited, create a mock up of a zine using the template. Continue to experiment with layouts referring back to your original Zine research.
Create 3 different versions. Print out and fold to make your zine. 

Excellent student examples of Zine designs and layouts

zine finale piece .jpg
Final Zine.jpg
Final zine 3 copy.jpg
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