Urban Intervention:
Graphic Design, Community Art, Street Art.
Urban Interventions is a collective term for creative interventions within a city. It is the interaction of art, performance, installation, architecture and activism. The frequently anonymous works challenge the viewer and passers-by to explore their environment, to experience it in a new way and to interact with their surroundings. Urban Interventions are usually temporary, can change or disappear. Urban Interventions are often not recognised as what they actually are. Urban Interventions partially refer to the planning, use and commercialisation of public space and partially make what is public to a very private experience.
Today, everything can be art and art can occur everywhere – even in increasingly urbanised public space.
Urban Interventions can be divided into seven groups:
URBAN CANVAS (graffiti, signs, markings, buildings, lights, etc.)
ATTACHMENTS (creative additions, parasitic take-overs)
PUBLIC PRIVACY (mixture of interior and exterior)
PUBLIC STAGE (performances in public spaces, flash mobs, etc.)
LOCALISED (design of specific locations, site and context bonus)
ADVERTISED (ad-busting, brand-hacking, etc.)
NATURALISED (guerrilla gardening, snow, sand, etc.)