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Pattern and Graphic Design 

Use the Pinterest boards 

Take better photos here

You will need a further 2-3 photo shoots plus 3-4 artists research pages. For artists and inspiration, use the pineterst boards and the links to web pages


  • Create a visual inspiration page using imagery you have found on the pinterest boards

  • Describe how your work will develop into possible fashion designs.

  • Use the Pattern bank and lancia trend visions for further inspiration and ideas

  • Choose 4 ideas to develop further

LO: Using your inspiration images, experiment with design techniques and produce a series of graphic designs or patterns that could be used for fashion designs.




T-shirt templates

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Present in sketchbooks with projection artists research

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LO: Translate your imagery onto magazine covers/layouts, explore text and composition and create 3 different versions.

Use the pinterest boards to help you with ideas, present in your sketchbook with your cover designs. 

Use the Pinterest boards 

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lo: To experiment with colour and composition by combining the images and designs you have made so far to create a mood board.

Create a new document in photoshop and drag your images and designs into it.

Take more photos if you need to :

close ups of nails, hair, embroidery, textures etc.

lo: To create a series of designs for an album cover using the images you have already taken.
Create a page in your sketchbook about album cover designs you like.

Remember to experiment with text and fonts.

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Find cool fonts here

Find inspiration here

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