STREET PHOTOGRAPHY - The Power of the Story
What is street photography? A reflection of every day life – real, unaltered impressions of
public places, places that everybody visits every day, the street where you live, the parking
lot of your favourite grocery store, the subway. Street photographers document the truth –
take candid pictures of things that you don't notice in your daily grind.
Street photography involves attention to detail. The photographer pays attention to scenes,
moments that you only recognise subconsciously. The camera is an unobtrusive extension of
the eye in any given situation. Oftentimes, street photographers take pictures they feel; the
photographer happens to be there and captures the mood in a fraction of a second. He freezes
a moment that you will forget in the same amount of time...
Research: 4 street photographers of your choice from the Pinterest boards or your own research. Create a page for each artist.
Respond: 2 photo shoots inspired by your favourite artists.
Present your photoshoots in your sketchbooks
Present 6 of your best images EDITED and larger with detailed analysis of how they link to your artist and the meaning behind them. Use the Visual literacy sheets to help you with your analysis.
1. Research how street photography has developed as a genre.
2. How do these photographers use storytelling in their work?
3. What stories are they telling?
4. Why do they make this kind of work?

Read this article

Put it into CONTEXT, include the following in your analysis:
Dates of when the photographer was influential
Why was this person or event important to the history of photography?
Were they influenced by other photographers or artists?
Did they influence other photographers?
What other events were happening in history at the time?
Include external factors that influence their work like, War. Political/social movements like civil rights, migrant workers, women's rights, environmental movements.
What photo techniques are used in their work?
What is the narrative presented in their work?
Why have they created this body of work?
Look at the work of
the 2 artists, Vivian Maier, Nick Turpin and Boogie below for excellent examples of
street photography
Photoshoot 3 - Capture a moment - create a narrative.
Explore one of the ideas below to inspire your photoshoots:
A Day in the Life of
People at work
Where we live
Places that make us
Local events
Complete a photoshoot of at least 60 images based on one of these starting points. Present your photoshoot with 6 of your images edited and presented larger with detailed analysis of how you have developed you ideas and which artist has inspired it.

Present your best edited images in a photobook layout that tells the story.