Welcome to Year 13
What does Year 13 look like?
Your Personal Investigation - 60% of your final grade.
Year 13 emphasis in this early stage is on building skills that can be revisited and explored in future units. If its got curiosity stamped all over it we will encourage you to explore it further.
You will devise with guidance your own programme of study based on a chosen theme. You to focus and build on your strengths as you plan an ambitious exploration of photography in all its alternative forms. Within this investigation you are required to complete a Related Study.
Course breakdown &
Assessment objectives
Final coursework deadline 15th Dec
How am I assessed?
Your Related study -
Is an essay of between 1000-3000 words. It must be Harvard referenced and have a bibliography.
Choose something you are genuinely interested in......
It is an investigation that should be sustained and be around 1000 -3000 words long . How do you plan to present your personal study... Don't just produce an essay...a weak submission in the format of an essay will come across as an after thought and last minute.
​Your writing should reflect your creative nature: Provide subtle insights into your thinking, provoke interest; tempt curiosity. Use quotes and challenging questions to engage the reader.
Plan your study by coming up with a question or an enquiry to help you focus the point to your study.
The best way to do this is to examine your starting point and portfolio topic and develop this into a question or enquiry…