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Welcome to Year 11

Lets look at good practice in GCSE Photography coursework. Open the SWAY and we'll go through it together.
Now it's your turn choose one to analyse in pairs
Add this to your sketchbook and take notes while you analyse the coursework below
Choose one example to examine in more depth and identify the strengths and weaknesses of the work.
Give it a grade from 9-1
AO1- Develop (Research)
AO2- Refine (Experiment)
AO3- Record (Photos)
AO4- Present (Final Pieces)
Use the assessment grid here
How do I get a good grade, click on the assessment objectives to understand:

Expectations from September to Christmas.
(tick these off as you complete them)
AO1 - Research 6-8 more artists of your choice
AO3 - Respond to your artists by taking at least 5 different photoshoots
AO2 - Experiment with techniques inspired by the artists you have researched, at least 2 for each artist researched
AO4 - Present ideas for a final piece, drawing on the ideas and experiments you have already done.
AO1 & AO2 - A plan of what your final pieces will be, with mock ups of them.
AO3 - A final photoshoot (you need to re-shoot to improve on the images you already have)
AO4 - Refine and present your final pieces with an evaluation.
Answer the questions on this progress sheet as fully as you can, and put it in your sketchbooks.
1. Look through your sketchbook to remind yourself about your developing idea or the word you chose.
2. Add your homework photoshoot to your sketchbook.
3. Edit the photos and create 4 images in any way you want to that link back to your artists and previous work. Present these larger as your edited images.
4. Using Pinterest or Google, find your next 2 artists to research. Present this in your sketchbook.
5. Complete a photoshoot inspired by these artists.
6. If you are stuck download a brief to help focus your ideas.
Tasks to tackle over this and next lesson
I am stuck..........What do I do next?
Experiment with workshops below or choose an idea from the pinterest boards to explore further.
Pin a new pinterest board of ideas and choose 2 new artists to research. Create pages in your sketchbook and then plan a new photoshoot using the planning powerpoint to help you. Evidence this plan in your sketchbook.

You could also choose
a workshop from these
pages to complete. Be sure to preseant your artist research as well as your images and edits
We're now heading towards planning your final outcomes for your coursework. They should Continue developing your ideas from before the summer break. Choose a brief to help you to focus your ideas and start to research.
If you don't find a brief that links to your previous ideas or interests you then start to pin ideas on pinterest, find 2 new artists and plan your responses in the form of photoshoots

Using symbols to express a narrative.
Using symbols in your images is called Semiotics:
In pairs study the image that was created as a final piece from the images above.
1. Describe the story being told.
2. Identify the sybmbols that are helping to tell the story.
3. What does each one mean in relation to the story?
4. How has this image been created?
5. What techniques have been used?
6. How has she used the space within the frame?

LO: To develop your coursework into a series of final pieces by experimenting with different techniques and responding with excellent quality photo shoots both in the studio and on location. To present your work as a series of solid outcomes like posters, zine or magazine, album or book covers, panoramic's or graphic designs.

Your sketchbook is really important. Try and keep on top of your presentation. Get into the habit of presenting research, then photoshoot, then edited images and annotate as you go along too.
Use this visual guide to keep you on track.
Final coursework deadline Monday 10th December
Expectations from September to Christmas.
(tick these off as you complete them)
Research 6-8 more artists of your choice
Respond to your artists by taking at least 4 different photoshoots
Experiment with techniques inspired by the artists you have researched, at least 2 for each artist researched
Present ideas for a final piece, drawing on the ideas and experiments you have already done.
A plan of what your final pieces will be, with mock ups of them.
A final photoshoot (you need to re-shoot to improve on the images you already have)
Refine and present your final pieces with an evaluation.
Checklist: Have I completed everything on the checklist?
Go back and have a look.

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