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What is a Subculture?
This project will give you the opportunity to identify and explore subcultures and create a portfolio of work based on your own research and ideas.

Subculture Research
Youth has always been the core of research on fashion and style. Looking closely into the stylistic decisions of the young, aiming to connect the similarities and finding what they represent, is not a new occurrence. From skinheads to punk and the riot grrrl movement, a youth subculture is defined as a group of individuals who share the same values and norms that exist in disagreement with mainstream society.
In the early 1930s, German philosopher Walter Benjamin wrote an essay entitled “A Short History of Photography,” where he proposed that the medium of photography reveals the unconscious aspects of perception. The ability of the camera to make visible what the naked eye cannot becomes all the more powerful when it's turned on those who exist at the fringes of society.
"Subcultures offer an opportunity for the disenchanted and the discarded to become part of something greater than themselves – and by documenting such communities, photographers create windows into highly complex moments that future generations to learn from."
Growing up in Britain

Read the ID brief carefully and respond:
Create a portfolio of work to include:
8-10 research pages on ID Magazine, Subcultures and photographers who document them.
Mindmap of your own ideas about how YOU can document a subculture and what you want to say about them.
3-4 photoshoots
a series of outcomes which could include: a website, photobook, moving image, ID Magazine cover.
Articles of interest:
Artists of interest:

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