Lesson 1

Task 1
Create a research page in your digital sketchbook. Make sure you include images and a definition of what Macro photography is.

Use the word bank to help you annotate your photo shoot in your sketchbook.

Peer Assessment:
Show your best image to the person sitting next to you. Using the success Criteria, identify what grade would they give it and why?
Extended Learning for next lesson

You could also upload your photoshoot onto your onedrive
Lesson 2
LO: To explore how narrative can be used in an image using macro techniques, by researching artists and creating your own micro world.

Find information on this pineterst board
Choose two of these artists to research & create a page in your sketchbook

How do they use macro techniques and objects do they use?
Why do they create this kind of work?
Choose one image to analyse in detail.
Whats the story?
Annotate using key words
Image analysis sheet, use this to help you write about the artists work
Now, Plan your own micro world story:
Create a page in your sketchbook identifying and detailing your plan, use images as well as your own description.
What will the narrative be?
What objects do you need?
Bring them in next lesson so you can create your own Micro world.
Extended Learning for next lesson.

Lesson 3

LO: To create your own Micro World photoshoot inspired by your chosen artists.

'Micro world photoshoot'
To extend the task and make it more interesting, print
off a background that links to the story you want to tell.

Success Criteria:
Grade 6/7 - Your images will be humorous and you will have a strong narrative. Your images will be refined and include a definite focal point and blurry background. You will have experimented with viewpoints and composition. They will show excellent imagination.
Grade 4/5 - Your images will tell a story and include a focal point and blurry background. They will show imagination and and a good use of props and composition.
LO: To reflect on your Micro worlds photoshoot by peer assessing, presenting and annotating your work.

Success Criteria:
Grade 6/7 - Your images will be humorous and you will have a strong narrative. Your images will be refined and include a definite focal point and blurry background. You will have experimented with viewpoints and composition. They will show excellent imagination.
Grade 4/5 - Your images will tell a story and include a focal point and blurry background. They will show imagination and and a good use of props and composition.

Lesson 4

Research both of these artists & create a page in your sketchbook for each artist.

How do they use macro techniques and why do they create this kind of work?
Choose one image from each artist to analyse in more detail.
Whats the story?
Annotate using key words
Now it's time to plan your own set of images inspired by these artists.
Image analysis sheet, use this to help you write about the artists work

LO: To create 3 different images using the details of your plan, macro and 'super imposing' techniques.
1. Make sure you have a photoshoot of macro photography backgrounds. You could use some of the ones you already have or take new ones.
2. Then take a series of portraits of yourself in the studio in different poses. These should relate to the backgrounds you have taken and also develop the ideas from your plan.

Add other images that relate to your identity and help to tell the story.
You can also illustrate on top to create characters in your story.