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Developing a Final Piece
To develop a final peice/outcome using ideas you have been exploring and techniques you have been experimenting with.
Use the resources below to start to research possible outcomes and then complete experiments
Final Piece based on your research and experimentation (25marks)
Present a personal, informed and meaningful response, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and making visual and written connections, linking all of your ideas together.
How to get started

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What is a final piece?
You must present a series of final pieces, these could be:
Album covers
Book cover
Movie, events or festival posters
Magazine covers and layouts
Awareness Campaign posters
Branding and T-Shirt design
Look Books
Website designs
Social Media Layouts
Connecting your work to give it context.
Surfers againts sewerage
Cornwall Climate
Man Down
Young Minds
Cornwall Pride
LGBT Foundation
Women's Centre
Clean clothes Campaign
Fashion labels - Vans/Patagonia/Palace etc.
Magazines -ID/Vogue/National Geographic etc.
What's next?
Choose and research a context for your work.
Choose and research 3 possible final piece ideas eg. website, posters and zine.
Start to experiment with these ideas, create mock ups of possible final pieces.
1. Create a pinterest board called final piece ideas and pin at least 30 different ideas for possible final pieces from these boards.
2. Create a planning page and add these to your sketchbook with research on your chosen context and final piece ideas from your board.
3. Choose 3 favourites ideas and do another photoshoot based on one.
4. Using these photographs and ones you have already taken, along with edits your have created, start to experiment with at least 3 different mock ups of your final pieces.

Develop your ideas into Album covers.

Branding, Lookbooks and
T-shirt designs

Movie, Event or Festival: create a series of poster designs.

Create a series of book cover designs.

Magazine covers and layouts


Awareness or advertising Campaign

Student portfolio examples

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