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Extended Learning
Photoshoots to complete at home
One important aspect in year 10 and 11 is to make sure you are able to take photos outside of school, in your own time. All of your Extended learning tasks will be to do photoshoots and bring them into school to use in lessons.
It would be beneficial for you to purchase a memory stick so you can download your photos at home, save them onto the memory stick and bring them in. You can also save them
to your one drive or email them to yourself.
If you take the photos on your phone, you must
download them at home and bring them in.

Task 2 - Creative portraits

Create a series of portraits experimenting with framing, objects and lighting.
Execute a photoshoot of at least 30 photos exploring portraiture.
They could be self portraits if you can't use someone else. Present in your sketchbook.
Task 3 - Pattern and Texture

Create a series of images focussing on close ups of pattern and texture.
Execute a photoshoot of at least 30 photos exploring surfaces.
Rust, flowers, rocks, fabric, fencing, manhole covers, concrete etc. Present in your sketchbook.
Task 4 - Symmetry

Create a series of images focussing
Execute a photoshoot of at least 30 photos exploring composition
Imagine there is an imaginary line running down the middle of your image. The left part of your image should mirror the right.
Task 5 - Colour

Create a series of images focussing
Execute a photoshoot of at least 30 photos exploring this.
Choose one or more colours to base your photoshoot on. Start to see and record colour in your environment. Present in your sketchbook
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