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Micro Worlds

Lesson 1

Task 1
Create a research page in your digital sketchbook. Make sure you include images and a definition of what Macro photography is.

Task 2
Research the exact camera settings you need to create a really effective Macro Image. Your Aperture is very important but why and how should it be set?
Create a detailed page in your sketchbook with images and information. Use the word bank to help you write about key words.
Task 3 - Create an inspiration page of images
Create an inspiration page using this pinterest board. Find images you like that you could reproduce
Task 4 - Now to find some artists to research
Choose two of these artists to research & create a page in your sketchbook

How do they use macro techniques and objects do they use?
Why do they create this kind of work?
Choose one image to analyse in detail.
Whats the story?
Annotate using key words
Image analysis sheet, use this to help you write about the artists work
Now, Plan your own micro world story:
Create a page in your sketchbook identifying and detailing your plan, use images as well as your own description.
What will the narrative be?
What objects do you need?
Bring them in next lesson so you can create your own Micro world.
Extended Learning for next lesson

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