Welcome to Year 12
Download the reading list and start to do your own research
Understanding the manual settings on an SLR camera

Aperture effects both your exposure and depth of field as illustrated below.

Shutterspeed also effects your exposure, but it also effects how you capture movement in your images.

White balance compensates for your lighting conditions and can create warm or cool tones.

You will understand and be able to use Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO and White Balance confidently, effectively and creatively on an SLR camera.
You will have created a one combined or a series of informative visual references that will be used across the department
Create an illustrated (using your own photographs) visual reference poster that demonstrates the effect your Aperture setting, Iso and shutter speed has on the images you create.
We would also like you to create a White Balance infographic too.
This project is going to involve more failures than successes and it is up to you to be able to distinguish between the two.
These Posters are going to be used as a teaching aid for GCSE and A-Level photography student and displayed within the department.
They will also be uploaded to Pinterest.